Recent content by stellafella

  1. S


    I applied there and they sent me a letter saying that after my exams results come out, and if i have a UAI of at least 50, then they will let you know.... I hope that helps...
  2. S

    How much is everyone paying for schoolies?

    I'M GOING!!!!! SO EXCITED!! but ours is a bit cheaper.. its about $1300, everything included (meals, fights transfers etc) but i'm taking about $700 spending money, so all up $2000!!!! sooo excited!
  3. S

    ruby moon / 7 stages of grieving

    Thanks heaps.. actually i haven't handed it in you, we got it soo early and then like 3 extentions.. so thanks :)
  4. S

    ruby moon / 7 stages of grieving

    ok for drama we have to write an essay on "Drama and theatre in their content and style reflect the society from which they spring. Discuss this statement with refence to Ruby Moon and The Seven Stages of Grieving" we haven't had a proper teacher all year, and so we keep getting substitues...