Recent content by Spritza

  1. Spritza

    Adv. English is a joke

    Well well well what have we here? I have browsed over this thread and notice a few things. thomas_hb has made his opinions about the english advanced course, which is understandable. Ranting can be a good way to relieve ones angers and annoyances over something. Many of you who have posted...
  2. Spritza

    Official Burning Of English Notes Pictures

    Wow...thats jsut beautiful...damn rain
  3. Spritza

    Official Burning Of English Notes Pictures

    >_> In this cake we can add a sprinkle of truth, a dash of cloudstreet notes, a few sheets of hamlet, which when baked will transform into a big chocolate cake! Then we can critically analyse the cake before giving it to the head english teacher... Wonder if they will notice the litre of...
  4. Spritza

    BURN journeys BURN - MUST SEE!!

    As if a fire ban would stop people from burning their journeys booklets which have caused us so much horror... ... there should be a HSC ban ... :) *wishful thinking* And yes I am a female who is all up for burning the journeys booklet! DIE JOURNEYS DIE!
  5. Spritza

    Official Burning Of English Notes Pictures

    ^_^ Hahaha, yaha! Thats what they will think waaaaay into the future! :)
  6. Spritza

    BURN journeys BURN - MUST SEE!!

    :( *wonders when SHE became classified as a male*
  7. Spritza

    Number of words per line + number of pages you wrote?

    Was not really paying too much attention on how many words per line I put - I was a little more focused on the exam :rolleyes:
  8. Spritza

    Official Burning Of English Notes Pictures

    :rolleyes: Did you not read the question for section III? It helped us expand our understanding of ourselves, of individuals and off the world around us! >_> Yet it did not teach me much except to loath the word journeys...
  9. Spritza

    Official Burning Of English Notes Pictures

    This picture is from the year 6370, designed by an archaeologist who has done a degree in "history - the sacred documents" majouring in the 'journeys stimulus booklet' This design was made - looking back on life in the year 2005....
  10. Spritza

    Official Burning Of English Notes Pictures

    Well we can think of other ways to destroy the paper besides burning... Cutting, destroying with pen, running it over with a car, drowning it in the ocean, make it into a boat and let it set sail out into the see, acid... What would be funny would be if in a million years, archaeologists...
  11. Spritza

    BURN journeys BURN - MUST SEE!!

    You guys are legends! We should have a thread for looking at the destruction of any and all papers ascociated with the HSC :)
  12. Spritza

    Last Minute Stress Attacks

    ^_^ Yey! Mines all packagedup nice and neat right infront of me now *pets MW* such a pain, yet such rejoice is needed now its over! PARTAY! :D Hope the rest of you finished.... :)
  13. Spritza

    do u reckon i'll get penalised for having 1644 words in reflection statement?

    Thats shocking, they get to add in double the information the rst of us do into their reflection statements... no wonder they get full marks -_- My advice would be to cut down as much as you can, maybe a few words over wont be so bad - but they will know... they know all :|
  14. Spritza

    Whats your website about?

    Curious to know what people did there websites about/on Mine was around the concepts of journeys acrosss time ^_^