Recent content by snooky91

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    09ers - What mark did you get for the project?

    45/60 75% i was ok with it.. could have done better if id started earlier with more research
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    Topics for '09

    ours is due 2 weeks from our exam on monday. whooo.... yeah havent done much of it. my topic is the indian rebellion of 1857 and the changing perspectives on it.
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    09ers - What mark did you get for the project?

    we still havent handed ours in. due in 2 weeks.. i need to do my essay but urrgh im dreading it. congrats all ur marks are really great so far I will be happy with 80% or more so heres hoping
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    Could anyone give guidelines on how to write to write the synopsis? I have no idea. I have no idea for the whole thing actually.
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    Ruby Moon

    hey petch lol hows it going haha this play absolutely ruined ruby moon for me. the female perfomer did not fit the character at all. she looked like a tranny, and was too old and fat. sorry to put it plainly but thats how it is. The male performer did an alright job, which was ruined by this...
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    For the Logbook Clueless

    thankyou for this very helpful x
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    P&P and Letters To Alice

    Yeah, we're doing it too. P&P took me a while to get into, but now I adore it. Letters to Alice is KILLING ME! I haven't even read the whole thing yet, probably the 1st half and other random bits. I know heaps of quotes from it though lol.
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    HSC notes -Minoans

    Thankyou! Especially the trade notes help a LOT, its so hard to find good information. :)