Recent content by smilin4u

  1. S

    i need help with something + how are you finidng tafe?

    I m the only girl in my design class too :0 I hate this class n i cant stand it! Not only the people in the class, i dun like the suburb too... I m planning to drop this course and take another course in July, semester2.
  2. S

    Hey...Pls Give me advice

    yea...the courses r quite expensive at Tafe PLUS.... If i do the cert1/2/3 then Diploma, how long will i finish all? cert1+2= maybe 1year cert3= 1year diploma= 2years add up r total 4years......damn.... i dun wanna at tafe for 4years.....
  3. S

    Hey...Pls Give me advice

    I sent my application on the Jan this year, now I m still on the waiting list of some Design courses at Tafe...i know is no hope to get in any course in semester1 now! My Plan is: Take some short courses at Tafe PLUS in this 3months time *Adobe illustrator for Desktop Publishing *3D modelling...
  4. S

    What course are you doing 06?

    i m doing Design Cert4 too :)
  5. S

    anyone Lidcombe TAFE???

    better than Granville in which way??? u sounds very sure abt it.........
  6. S

    anyone Lidcombe TAFE???

    Can anyone describe the teachers or ppls inside...?:bomb:
  7. S

    any1 doing "Marketing"

    i hate maths and i did General maths in year12.... Does Marketing involved many Mathematics...? Involved a little accounting stuff, right?
  8. S

    wts Visual Communication n Media Comm???

    Which 1 involved more design work???:bomb:
  9. S

    Can any1 briefly explain wt r these courses doing(area of studies)?

    wts the different between Media Communication n Visual Communication?:mad1:
  10. S

    Can any1 briefly explain wt r these courses doing(area of studies)? sooo sorry.....n thanks anyway.....T.T B Media in Multimedia...??? So u suggest me to take Media? Which Media course should i take? *Bachelor of Arts - Media and Cultural Studies *B Media in Screen Production (prescribed units) *Bachelor of International Communication Plz reply...
  11. S

    any1 doing "Marketing"

    Is Marketing hard? Is it involved many difficult english vocab? I never do commerce in high school, r u suggest me to take this course? I will do it in SIBT...(so maybe a bit easier than uni) Can any1 give me some suggestion?:wave:
  12. S

    Can any1 briefly explain wt r these courses doing(area of studies)?

    :wave: Diploma of Computing: Bachelor of Information Technology (prescribed units) <>Bachelor of Computer Science GPA 3.0 Bachelor of eBusiness (prescribed units) Bachelor of...
  13. S

    Tafe or SIBT...??? any1 help???

    OMG......thats mean if i do communication i require English English isnt that good....=.= so i think communication isnt suit me......... i thought it is sumthing do with design.............
  14. S

    any1 help?

    no i havent call the tafe yet...should i call? and now i m thinking of doing SIBT in Macquarie Uni.... confusing..........
  15. S

    Tafe or SIBT...???

    As there has no reply from Tafe, my last choice is doing SIBT in Macquaire Uni...:confused: What do u ppl think? I think there has more advantages if i take SIBT, * Uni at least better than Tafe * near home....=.= * my friends all go to Macquaire U....(thats good enough) The...