Recent content by shining_star

  1. S

    Crime Fiction

    yep a guy in my ext. class is doing The bone Collector as a related text. It works in well 2 show modern elements of CF
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    King Lear at UNSW

    So was the UNSW play good??? our class is going next week
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    Possible Questions for King Lear

    textual techniques WTF????????????
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    i do both science/math subjects and humanities subjects. i have no idea what i want to do and was just looking 4 suggestions!! i am not in it 4 money as everyone seems 2 think i want to work for an aid soceity if i get into medicine and become a qualified doctor. commerce/law would be a backup...
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    King Lear at UNSW

    yeah our class is going 2 UNSW King Lear i hope its good!!!!
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    OK thanks guys il hav a look
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    hsc mark chemistry

    i can't believe only 9% get into band 6. That is so scary. DOes chemistry get scaled up?? (UAI)
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    hey guys does anyone hav sum good stuff on biopolymers??? i hav just started revising and realised that my notes don't actully cover the dot point. i hav trials in couple of weeks and am freakin out!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
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    hi i want to do medicine. Is there anyone doing it or knows sum1 studying it that can tell me what is involved and how hard it is etc. I am also not sure where to study. If i don't get into med. i was thinking of doing commerce/law. any other suggestions?? :)