Recent content by senorita05

  1. senorita05

    ITT: Songs about women

    Never Underestimate a Girl by Vanessa Hudgens
  2. senorita05

    I need a tutor for 2 unit maths

    Well the title basically says it. I need a tutor for 2 unit maths in the campbeltown region.I am currently in yr 11. If anyone is interested either pm me or e-mail me at :
  3. senorita05

    The Pay Thread

    Re: Coles Pay the minimum par is $6.6o per hour i think
  4. senorita05

    The Edward Vs. Jacob Debate!

    because the whole series is mainly concentrated on edward , most people seem to like him better. Read the whole series. its soooooooo good!
  5. senorita05

    School certificate in two weeks!

    for people who go it'll be yr 11 how scary is that ??
  6. senorita05

    have we got it better?

    i've done journeys [n] it is much easier to interpret
  7. senorita05

    What should I do??

    my older brother said that the first thing they tell u in uni is forget wat u learnt at skool !!!
  8. senorita05

    English Trials

    the multiple choice is out of 45 ... it's do-able there is some stuff on speech [n] short story about urself
  9. senorita05

    TUTORING (for cool kids)- maths, physics, engineering studies

    WOW ! thats like great marks for ur exams!
  10. senorita05

    Year 10ers relax

    You guyz make yr 12 [n] 11 sound so scary!! should i be scared? :worried:
  11. senorita05

    twilight series

    I've read the books and they are really good Personally it's better than Harry Potter It's more realistic than Harry Potter in a fantasy kinda way bu still pretty good to read
  12. senorita05

    Looking to buy a Laptop; Should I get a Mac OS or stick with a Windows OS?

    you should get windows sure apple is famous but windows hve programmes that ur used to it may be harder to use on a mac [n] macs run out of battery quite easily
  13. senorita05

    Jack Mundey - Green Bans that website has the history for jack mundey