Recent content by sdpy

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    Hi, I can't recommend linguistics @ usyd enough. It's awesome. Especially if you love languages and are interested in questions about language: What is language all about? why, how, and when did language evolve? How, why and when are elements of language used in particular circumstances? These...
  2. S

    ooh! continuers is over...

    Studied french @ school.
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    got to ask...

    How many people in the state do German these days?
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    ooh! continuers is over...

    What did we all think? Is this the right place to post this? I suppose it won't get many replies, but would love to hear what people thought of the exam. Was it just me or do the listening questions usually get read out....and then the answers for the multiple choice ones? You know, like they...
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    Why don't we write in French here?

    hi iambored non, je ne suis pas francaise, je suis tout simplement folle amoureuse de la langue...
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    Extension French (Info answering the question "Should I do it?")

    extension sorry dragging up old thread I think! But just found this and had to put in my 2 cents... I agree with whoever said ext french was the best thing they ever did. It was for me. Extension French is like eating Lindt chocolate after the No Frills of Continuers. It really expands your...
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    Je ne sais pas comment on tudie pour le Franais...

    yes... In response to your comment that everyone seems to do well... I think the truth is that people who don't do well in continuers aren't allowed (by their schools at least) to do extension, and a lot of people who start extension french drop it as they find it too hard. So the cohort is...
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    the speaking exam

    So i'm interested to know how everyone found the speaking. was it what you expected, or worse, or better? As soon as i'd finished the continuers exam, my examiner asked me this exact question, and I didn't know what to say! But now we've had some time to think... well what do you think?eek...
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    french ext

    the big prob for me with extension french speaking was always the scary factor of that bloody tape recorder! i always prefer to speak to a "real live" person, and the 3u spking is such a different skill, it's really like a mini-speech. So how was it?
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    Why don't we write in French here?

    subjonctif coucou kini mini, je voulais juste te renseigner sur deux trucs: le subjonctif n'est pas, en effet, un "temps" de grammaire, mais plutot un "mode" ("mood" en anglais) et donc ce que tu as dit n'tait pas tout fait correcte... mais c'tait quand meme une bonne explication !!:D et...
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    how about Speaking EXAM

    so.... how was it
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    no bloody wonder the Romans died out~!

    LOL hi mic, I can sympathise - the seen translation was the worst part on the bloody paper!!:confused: Also really hoping scaling will somehow haul me out of the mess that was the trials...:(
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    NSBHSchoolie, I'm a 2003 student as well.... I do post occasionally.... :) Yeah, the problem with ex-latiners is that they can't relaly help much - the texts rotate and all. But sounds like you're pretty good! Doing extension and all. (I'm impressed!) I'm also doing in catilinam I and virgil...
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    Exam Format - 2 Unit (Continuers) / French Resources for Writing (Other courses)

    Thanks kini mini I'm listening to French radio now! :D
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    so who is doing crime fiction? anyone? somone? god help us!

    Thanks for all your opinions on GP! I'm interested (1 more) that you liked the film so much but yeah, i guess I tend to agree w/ lady penelope, that the ads for the movie looked really good. And I think I was expecting more of a straightforward murder mystery... And more of a worthwhile...