Recent content by savelegal

  1. S

    Outsider- Othello

    ahahah hey man. but really. OTHELLO PERSONAL RESPONSE, kill me?
  2. S

    Frankenstein v. Blade Runner

    i'm only in year 11 but i would say that, bladerunner would be considered more valuable as a text due to it's context being more familiar- it is dystopic and therefore projects a 'humanoid' view of the world, also its a film and so modern audiences can connect with it on a higher level...
  3. S

    Outsider- Othello

    i'm having to do a personal response to Shakespeare's Othello, as part of my preliminary HSC. we have to discuss how our response has been shaped by the play's: textual elements- themes, characters, language, rhythm, setting, context, structure, conventions, dramatic devices. i have no idea what...