Recent content by sashysashy!

  1. S

    The crusades as a class case

    Hey, relax. Remember your essay should be 60% of your course time. You are halfway through your course- your essay should be due at the end of Term 2?? And you have ALREADY studied 6 historians- sounds like you are right on track- you will get back to your Case Study, the Source Book and...
  2. S


    You will be asked to comment of the usefulness of 2-3 sources to a historian undertaking A PARTICULAR HISTORICAL INVESTIGATION. You should make the following notes on your source booklet as soon as you start this section- having read them and mentally thought about all this during your...
  3. S

    How picky are the markers?

    Markers The markers are familiar with all current commonly used source material, both primary (archaeological, written) and a range of historians. Remember that all scripts are marked twice. Remember, most importantly, you are being marked on your ability to write exam essays. The markers are...