Recent content by Sarah922

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    Judaism summaries on Moses Maimonides, Sexual Ethics and Marriage

    Thanks so much:D needed everything but ethics, u helped me a lot!
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    CSSA 2009 Legal Studies

    yea me too!:)
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    CSSA 2009 Legal Studies

    do you do ancient history?
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    CSSA 2009 Legal Studies

    yea i know a lot of prelim was in the multiple choice section, its good that we remembered it lol:)
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    CSSA 2009 Legal Studies

    im so scared legal its the only thing i do really good at! the law reform for family was good i found that easy. how did u find the rest?
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    CSSA Ancient History Trials

    Hey what did they ask in the pompeii and herculaneum section? if any1 remembers??? my mark is getting estimated i was sick.
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    CSSA 2009 Legal Studies

    this is random but for the parties in crime i put defendant and prosecution is that right?:S
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    Billy Elliot

    hi yeah i dont mind swapping notes or discussing billy elliot, cause im doing it currently for "into the world"