Recent content by sara.

  1. S

    Accomodation Troubles!!

    Okay, so here is the deal, I was on a waiting list for a 1 bedroom apartment for the Village. And as they had heaps of rooms left, I was only going to apply when i got back from my holiday overseas. But I figured that was leaving it a little late and told them that if a 1 bedroom hadn't come up...
  2. S

    marketing and employment relations practice questions

    my business studies exam is on in less than a week covering the marketing and employment relations topics i was wondering if anyone had ny business report hsc style questions that covered just those two topics?
  3. S

    The BOS HSC Workshop (Poll included)

    Seminars Hi all Just wondering if anyone is going to the BOS HSC Seminar on the 21st? Think it will be any good? I'm wondering if i bother registering.... I also heard about a semiar purely focusing on the AOS (paper one) being held by the English Teachers Association on the 27th... Just...