Recent content by Red-Wine-&-Joni

  1. Red-Wine-&-Joni

    Musicology: Encore

    Does anyone know when we find out if we've made the honour roll for Musicology?
  2. Red-Wine-&-Joni


    I made a mess of the essay. But oh well. But that creative writing! LOVED it!! My story was about a man sitting reading a book, "indepedant of the one who wrote them, yes, but depedant on the words themselves" and he begins to believe that he is writing the story as he reads it. Used lots of...
  3. Red-Wine-&-Joni

    Music 2 thoughts

    Well, I actually think that the phrases and pusles were out of whack in the recording. The first phrase (G, Bb, D Eb C# D) for me ended on the first beat of bar 2, which indicates that it was out. All in all, I thought it was very unfair, and very confusing. Particularly in relation to last...
  4. Red-Wine-&-Joni

    Music 2 thoughts

    Maybe I am misreading what you're saying, but from here it sounds like you said the concerto is in 5/4 time but the Board of Studies wrote it as 4/4 time. Is that correct?
  5. Red-Wine-&-Joni

    Music 2 thoughts

    I agree whole-heartedly with the comment about the Melody Dictation being in 5/4. I spent the first three playings trying to work out why the repeat of the phrase didn't occur on the down beat. That was unfair. The essay question I think is just problematic in that we couldn't say "Oh, they...
  6. Red-Wine-&-Joni

    Music 2 thoughts

    I also think the very nature of the essay question was unfair. It was too broad!! I preferred the earlier models, where we are given a quote and argue for/against it. I also failed melodic dictation.
  7. Red-Wine-&-Joni

    Section 1

    But you can still say it emphasises the personal nature of a journey through the way the imagery and use of "She" and the pronoun "I" in the epigram at the start.
  8. Red-Wine-&-Joni

    Previous Question Dilemmas

    No, you're correct, it is just the "Cult of Amun stuff", but you need to be clear about why she devoted her time/effort to this cult, and what she gained from it.
  9. Red-Wine-&-Joni

    Administration of the Empire

    Thanks, you have been a great help!! But now, I feel scared because I know nothing about Viziers, officials, Djhuty etc. There is NOTHING on them in my notes. Shit.
  10. Red-Wine-&-Joni

    Administration of the Empire

    I have been looking over past HSC questions for NKE->Th.IV and am confused about the way they word certain questions. One that particularly stumped me was "Explain the administration of the Egyptian Empire, and its significance during this period." What does 'administration' refer to? Is it...
  11. Red-Wine-&-Joni

    Flag Burners

    I disagree. Perhaps I believe too much in humanity, but I don't think such violence is caused simply because they are "low lives". I heard a similar argument about Terrorism recently - that it occurs because it is "only form of entertainment in the Middle East". I disagree wholeheartedly - I...
  12. Red-Wine-&-Joni

    Results by SMS?

    Oh okay. Thanks. Will we recieve a letter or something about the number to register? God knows they've sent us letters for less productive purposes...
  13. Red-Wine-&-Joni

    Flag Burners

    The sad thing is, I think our PM would agree with you. Ironically enough he hasn't read Nineteen Eighty-Four.
  14. Red-Wine-&-Joni

    Flag Burners

    I think it's just as minor an issue as burning the flag. I see your point though, the constitution is a symbolic representation of the ideals, values and customs of the Australian way of life, just as burning a flag would be seen as an attack upon said ideas. I believe that, throughout...
  15. Red-Wine-&-Joni

    Julie Bishop's Vision for Education in Australia (Merged)

    Re: Julie Bishop's vision for education in Australia I agree wholeheartedly (and will be in a similiar situation next year, if I recieve the scholarship I've applied for). I think the English Syllabus is very, very flawed, but not in the late stages of years 11 and 12 that our politicians...