Recent content by Rasii

  1. R

    Raw Notes & Suggestions for Related Texts

    i'm doing raw and related text one who flew over the cuckoos nest.
  2. R

    Rabbit-Proof Fence

    thanks mate, that was very helpful. :)
  3. R

    Help, im pregnant and 15.

    You cannot kill this baby because you are afraid of your parents. Talk to them.
  4. R

    Beat Exam Stress Now!

    I'll keep it in mind.
  5. R

    I'm interested in a 16 year old

    It would be illegal for a 18yr old to have sex with a 16yr old But it would be legal for an 18yr old to have sex with a 75yr old. Weird.
  6. R

    How is Year 12 so far?

    Year 11 was pretty average, but now i really want to try harder, a lot harder. isn't that what everyone says though, but most of us are pretty lazy. I want to put my head down in my work this year. I've got about 5 assignments to do for this term. :eek: