Recent content by princesssfi

  1. P


    i called my character abigail - basically because i liek the name, but in hebrew it means 'father's joy" which ended up saving my story - because i had no idea where it was going, but it turns out her father died. so there you go.
  2. P

    The Voice!

    only thing to try is just listen to people on the street, what they say, how they act. if you've tried writing exercises? like those that ask you questions about your major character... and just talk to people who are 40 yrs old - what they've been through is different to us, they've seen...
  3. P

    First Three Words of your MW (Just 'Cause)

    first bit is "natsukashiki omoimasu (to miss, feel absence)" followed by: "clustered people...
  4. P

    stories and novels in second person..

    chuck palahnuik write awesome stuff in second person. try 'Diary' or there's stacks of others. his books are hilarious...
  5. P

    "based on the play by..." - Can i still do it?

    i'm lookign at doing somethign from the musical theatre realm for my IP, right. perhaps hello dolly. but then today when i asked her something about it she says "hang on, thats based on the play by thornton wilder" (and we're doing a play by him in the american theatre elective). so...
  6. P

    public housing

    that was a bit harsh. but i do agree. stop whinging and go out and get a life. see how you like it. alternatively, just be homeless. and try to expand your vocabulary a touch - don't use it all in the one post.
  7. P

    To early for "I love you"

    yep damn straight. those moments can be so damn awkward... but i have to agree. sometimes you shouold just go what the hell. and say it becuase u want to not becuase they said it first.
  8. P

    How the crap do u research into the short story medium?

    From what i've looked at along the way, books by Peter McFarlane (he was writer in resdience at our school for a week :) ) JOhn Marsden - everythign i know about writing Gary Disher they're mostly pretty good - ideas on how to make your dialogue better, character development etc. i didn't...
  9. P

    Biopolymers ???

    thanks guys thats awesome... :)
  10. P

    Using Other Languages?

    i'm thinking about using Japanese - anyone going down that path? yeha also wondering just how much you can put in before you need to start translating... i'm thinking the half-english, half-japanese sentences which kindof explain the concept will work. hmmm...
  11. P

    New Teacher!!

    OMG our E2 teacher just resigned. As in the last day of term. so now we have no mentor and the new teacher they've given us has never taught E2 before... which kinda sucks because she was the driving force behind our whole class. ANy advice? i mean, where do we go from here? our teacher...
  12. P

    Biopolymers ???

    Just wondering if anyone has been able to find much information about biopolymers around - for example PHA, PHB etc. As far as i can see the information in my textbook (CHem COntexts) is about enough to get a band one in the hsc and its been hinted by my teachers they could spring a 6-mark...
  13. P

    To early for "I love you"

    actually - yeah :) its like they thought about it more than just throwing some line away... my b/f has said it in sms msgs which is pretty sjupid, yeah, but never actually said it. which i kinda like, bcoz its like he's thought about it more than that.
  14. P

    Doing MULTIPLE Major works

    i'm doing ext2 eng, drama, plus 4u maths which is pretty hard becuase i have both eng extensions outside of the timetable and ext2 maths is too... i just dropped our school play b'coz it was getting too much - but i think it shouod be ok now. one of my friends is doing -art -drama -ext2 eng...
  15. P

    Help within the next 10 minutes!!!

    phenol red is used to test the acidity of swimming pools. and.... um. we only had to know one. how about universal for soil acidity?