Recent content by poisonthemon

  1. P

    Is 2 GHz neccessary to play any PC game nowadays?

    Maybe you should do some parallel programming -_- There is a point at which it becomes stupid to introduce the synchronisation overhead or task allocation involved with a concurrent program. For example, last year I was writing a multithreaded quicksort implementation for an assignment. I found...
  2. P

    Best game in each genre

    One game I don't think has come up yet is Psychonauts. Loved by critics, everyone who plays it loves it, yet it flopped commercially..... Hard.... I think it's available on Steam and XBox Live Marketplace, so if you have a chance you should buy it. Brilliant artwork, gameplay is fantastic and...
  3. P

    Best game in each genre

    These are the only two I care about, so I'll start here Mario Bros., meh :/ A fat Italian plumber on 'shrooms sounds more like a weird porno flick than a game to me. Personally, I always liked Kirby and Sonic far better. They always had more interesting adventures and better gameplay mechanics...
  4. P

    Your languages

    Python in high school. Now I'm in 4th year of uni (no idea why I'm on BoS right now) and have done C/C++ C# Java/RT-Java JavaFX Ada x86 ASM SPARC ASM Ruby/Rails PHP And finally, Haskell But if you want my honest opinion, it's not the languages you have to understand, if you understand the...
  5. P

    So what's the best antivirus to download?

    POSIX certification means little, because there is more than one standard. GNU/Linux, for the most part, behaves more or less exactly like a traditional UNIX system V setup: Monolithic kernel, kernel level system calls and compliant shells (or X server) handle the user interaction. OSX, on the...
  6. P

    Section 2

    I completely warped it as some old guy rambling in a mueseum, then the guy walking around looking at stuff which just happens to be in cronological order. I thought it was good, because my planned piece was representational anyway
  7. P

    Difficulty in comparison to previous years?

    Interpetation of the new questioned was good, my additional texts fit in with it :D