Recent content by physicss

  1. physicss

    2010 Raw Mark Cutoffs

    yeah they're in the stickies
  2. physicss

    What pen do you use?

    any pen i can find
  3. physicss

    Being late to lectures/tutorials?

    So is there any problem with turning up to lectures or tutorials about 5-20min late? Like do we get penalised or will the lecturers tell us off? Thanks.
  4. physicss

    UNSW entry

    nope that's wong
  5. physicss


    Try calling up UNSW or go there, so they can help you decline your offer
  6. physicss

    Business studies or physics ?

    Do business studies
  7. physicss

    So how long does it take you to get to uni and back?

    Alright for me, takes 45min by car to and back, 1hr max if heavy traffic. With train/bus roughly 1hr and 20min. You? Has anyone got a longer journey? :)
  8. physicss

    Uni, 4hrs straight of lessons too much?

    Alright, thanks a lot
  9. physicss

    Uni, 4hrs straight of lessons too much?

    Alright I need opinions on whether 4hrs straight of lectures/tutorials is too much to handle, coz i'm trying to squeeze things in and not sure if 4hrs straight is a good idea. Furthermore, what about 3hrs straight? Thanks.
  10. physicss

    Having a tutorial before lecture of the same subject

    ok, so with the timetable is there a problem with having a tutorial for e.g MATH136 before a lecture MATH136 during the week. I mean like, 1st week uni, I go into that tutorial class and haven't even had a lecture on MATH136 ... would I be there with nothing to do or what?? Sorry I got no idea LMAO.
  11. physicss

    i knowww~ your really sick of them but...

    Yep, I reckon it's achieveable with those ranks.
  12. physicss

    ATAR estimate

    Pretty decent ranks and school rank. I'd say 94-95ish, but if you get your ancient and english rank up then possibly higher.