Recent content by pcyl

  1. P

    General Thoughts

    Thought it was easy, it was well balanced test without too many algorithms. Hoping for Band 6.
  2. P

    e3 cut off??

    How about 26/70?
  3. P

    E3 Cut-off Estimate

    Thats a bummer!
  4. P

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 2

    Do you reckon 41/100 will get an e3?
  5. P

    E3 Cut-off Estimate

    Hey, I think I got 41/100 for this test thought it was hard, do you guys reckon this would qualify for an E3 and what would it be aligned?
  6. P

    2013 Age of Silicon crew.

    My teacher is doing Quanta to Quarks, I feel this topic if far superior. Actually... Maybe its cause I do SDD and did the Interrelationship of Hardware and Software. Just my opinion.