Recent content by oscarmanutdfan

  1. O

    Sections III, IV - Extended Response

    Fiscal for Distribution of income was a bit of a throw-off, I had shit all to talk about except for like tge $4.3bn rural package in the budget. But I wrote a crappy essay. Exchange rates essay was much more simple although I wished it was a China/Globo one.
  2. O

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Jesus put up the answers!
  3. O

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    That was BS hard...
  4. O

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    Re: Wow, fuck that It felt like a slightly easier SGS trial. Hopefully I got a decent Band E3.
  5. O


    Hoping the cut off is about 55 and I reckon I would have got low 50s.
  6. O

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Question 9 fucked me and I couldn't finish or do most of 10. Probably going to get a Band 5 because apparently it was an easy paper :\
  7. O

    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2

    Re: WORSE PAPER EVER MADE .... Thoughts? Hamlet was awesome. Who doesn't relate their reading to the end of the play anyway?
  8. O

    So since it's all over, thoughts on raw marks for band 6?

    Hamlet Module B was fucking awesome, I found it so easy. Hopefully I bossed that section enough to pull up to a 80+ overall, getting a band 6 by these predictions.
  9. O

    Section 1 - Stimulus

    All I can say is: what fucking awful stimuli. Throw me a poem for christ's sale.
  10. O

    Creative paper 1 whaaaaaat

    WHAT THE FUCK brb changing all my characters' names to Dick-in-son. START FREAK OUT NOW?