Recent content by OmegaSTealth

  1. OmegaSTealth

    Is anyone else as focked as i am? focked like a HAPPY PERSON in singapore

    Re: Is anyone else as fucked as i am? fucked like a cheap whore in singapore? Couldn't help to reply to this comment - even though I felt pretty much as ready as I ever would be to tackle the 4U HSC Maths exam (last year), but in the end it just comes down to loads of practice. I know you all...
  2. OmegaSTealth

    Polynomials From Fitzpatrick

    Not to flog a dead horse here, but for Q2 you could show that P(x)=x^5-1 can be factrorised to P(x)=(x-1).Q(x)=(x-1)(x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1) through long division, and it can be observed that P(x)=0 has only opne real root, x=1, which is clearly shown as the root given by the factor (x-1). It is also...
  3. OmegaSTealth

    Graphics Calculator

    I can see where the formula comes from (and I'm assuming that the initial velocity was 5, as that seemed to work to get the form of equation you've shown us). I come up with an equation identical to yours, except the 39.2 is replaced by 2g(h-y) where g is acc due to grav, h is initial launch...
  4. OmegaSTealth

    Name of this proof

    I'm not quite sure exactly how one would go about this without working out the sums of products of each combination, that is, to actually prove it; but it does seem common sense to me that the smallest sum would be formed by s1*t8+s2*t7+s3*t6+s4*t5+s5*t4+s6*t3+s7*t2+s8*t1, ie when the smallest...
  5. OmegaSTealth

    Tough integration

    I tried this one by long division, didn't end up using more than 18 lines (including long division working, so about 5 or 6 lines of integration working) - that is not what i would call a long solution that is "pages long" - 1/2 pg at most. you end up with a seventh degree polynomial with a...
  6. OmegaSTealth

    How was the exam?

    Got through the first 4 questions fairly easily, but it looked like they left the blank page before Q5 as an easy/difficult divider. It was a fairly good exam, but I curse those time constraints.
  7. OmegaSTealth

    3 Poems!!!

    lol. As I walked out of the exam today, I heard at least four cries of outrage at the now infamous "THREE POEMS." I only studied two, but my memory kicked in and I found a third one in there. Apart from that, though, the question was pretty good.
  8. OmegaSTealth

    Euler's Formula Query

    okay, thanks for the help, Stefano.
  9. OmegaSTealth

    Euler's Formula Query

    I was just wondering, does anyone know if marks are deducted for writing r(e^(i.t)) or r.cis(t) during your working for mod/arg complex number questions in the HSC? It's just a helluva lote easier to write than r(cos(t)+i.sin(t)).
  10. OmegaSTealth

    The different sections of maths!

    I think you've covered them all. Personally, my fave is complex analysis, which I've looked into during the past year and will probably be the downfall of my UAI lol. It's abstract ideas as well as its intriguing methods, as well as its elegant symbols just scream at me to be investigated...