Recent content by nousernameleft

  1. N

    are you confident that you can get a job with your degree

    what kind of jobs can someone who has a bachelor of science get?
  2. N

    whaty happens if we miss more than 10% of our tutorial sessions

    This is for chemistry subjects. Do we need some kind of med certificate or something?
  3. N

    Help-does anybody have 4 unit solutions

    that they could upload cambridge and fitzpatrick preferably i am struggling with mechanics bigtime i tried to download them off ths site but the zip fle would not work thanks in advance
  4. N

    What are some flaws in economic theories taught in the HSC

    hold os the best money in th world it's great benefit is that it cannot be created out of thin air don't listen to those who say a growing population needs a growing money supply that is a fallacy people like gold because it does not wear and tear and has a stable value paper money can be...
  5. N

    What are some flaws in economic theories taught in the HSC

    It is a lot better then the fallacies preached to us at school. check out the austrian school of economics: The Case Against the Fed by Murray N. Rothbard The Case for a 100 Percent Gold Dollar - Murray N. Rothbard - Mises Institute How the Business Cycle Happens - Mises Institute Did...
  6. N

    Do you think conflicting perspectives is a good module

    I think it is terrible. It is not very Englishy, it's more of a psychology thing. Even last year Module C was like this.
  7. N

    what are some things your teacher has said about conflicitng perspectives

    My teacher said you can't just identify them, You have to explain them. Ho would you explain a conflicting perspective? I'm not a psychologist, I can't get into a characters head.
  8. N

    besides the fact that conflicting perspectives exist

    What else do we say about it? I can only seem to identify conflicting perspectives. I don't know what to say about them. It feels like I'm just re-telling the story. Any help would be great.
  9. N

    Should we privatose transport, roads and electrity completely

    That's not a bad idea Read 'The Myth of National Defense'
  10. N

    Utegate - sympathy for Turnbull

    Even though the email was fake, you have to feel sorry for Turnbull. He thought it was genuine.
  11. N

    Should we privatose transport, roads and electrity completely

    It might seem like a radical idea, but if the government was the sole provider of shoes or controlling the airline industry we would also find it hard to imagine private companies doing this. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Nothing the government gives is for free. besides whether you...
  12. N

    Myths of the Great Depression

    Myth 1: It was not predictable. Fact:Ludwig Von Mises predicted it. The Great depression like our own financial crisis was predicted. Myth 2: The central bank was created to stop the boom/bust cycle/ Fact:It occurred 15 years after America established a central bank. Myth 3 hoover and...
  13. N

    Best jobs in sydney, new government program for teens

    the current crisis has caused a lot of jobs to be shed. But the Rudd government has a brilliant new plan. Everyone who is unemployed will be given a shovel, half the lot will dig holes and the other half will fill them up. We will borrow from China to fund this and to pay it back we''ll...
  14. N

    who loathes obama

    don't love or hate someone based on race
  15. N

    who loathes obama

    This was not copied and pasted. Don't try and insult me when you can't come up with a good answer.