Recent content by Niren7

  1. Niren7


    JOY SZE : "Aiish... I feel stupid... Been playing [piano] since I was 3...Wasted almost half the time..." lol, i laughed when i read that because it sounds like something i would say. I started when i was 4 and started grades when i was 9 (don't noe why i didnt start earlier) but i...
  2. Niren7

    Pharmacy then post-grad Med ?

    sweet, thanx :) I didn't realise that it was common (considering that priesty alone knows of 3 ppl), and it does seem to have quite a few advantages. Do you think that the students in Pharmacy are as competitive as those in MedScience or Science(adv) ?
  3. Niren7

    Pharmacy then post-grad Med ?

    hey, I was wondering if instead of doing under-graduate courses like med-science or science(adv), is it possible to complete a bachelor of pharmacy degree and then do the gamsat for postgrad Med. If so, would the prior knowledge benefit students undertaking a Med degree? Also, I'd luv it...
  4. Niren7

    Russia/Soviet Union 1917 - 1941 Speech help!

    Hi, I have to prepare a presentation on the topic, "Assess the use of 'the Terror', purges and show trials in the 1930's on both the Communist Party and Soviet society". - I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on events i should cover, important points i should include...
  5. Niren7

    Increasing concentrations of Oxides

    oh, sorry i didnt mean soluble exactly...i meant to say that water that has absorbed CO2 is less acidic when compared to water that has abosorbed SO2 or NO2. Here is the question that I got wrong: The list which contains oxides whose concentrations in the atmosphere have all been...
  6. Niren7

    Increasing concentrations of Oxides

    Hi, does anyone hav a definitive answer to the question "which oxides are increasing in concentration in the atmosphere". I've been getting a couple of different answers from various teachers.. I think that the main gases increasing in concentration over time in the atmosphere are CO2 and...