Recent content by natsukashii

  1. natsukashii

    Roll Call: Class of 2018

    I'm a bit late to this lmao, anyway, I'm doing English Standard, Dance, Drama, Biology, and Society & Culture. A lot of prac subjects, I know. I have to do three majors this year ljfsdgfsd I'm basically dead right now I haven't yet decided what course I want to do after I graduate, but I'd...
  2. natsukashii

    Good tv shows

    Grey's Anatomy!! I'm only on season 2 but it's already turned into one of my favourites. SKAM is also really good. It's a Norwegian show but there's a link to the episodes with English subtitles on tumblr. Riverdale is another one of my favourites, I think there's 7 episodes out already. Fresh...
  3. natsukashii

    2018ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    Mine's due on Wednesday and I'm nowhere near finished lmao :/
  4. natsukashii

    2018ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    Hey everyone! Good luck to you all for the next 2 years, hopefully they go well! Currently procrastinating really bad with my Bio report hahaha, wish me luck :)