Recent content by Nadiaaa

  1. Nadiaaa

    Open High School = bonus marks? Debunk.

    I get where you're coming from, but it's still unfair. I only see a teacher once a week which puts me at a disadvantage compared to students who see their teachers during the week. EXACTLYYY.
  2. Nadiaaa

    The "I didn't go well in my half yearlies" Thread

    Because I dont want my assessment mark to be dragged down by those marks? And I could have done so so so so so much better. It's a fail for me.
  3. Nadiaaa

    Open High School = bonus marks? Debunk.

    I dont think its right though. I see a teacher once a week for a couple of hours, the rest of the time I work on my own during the week. A mark is a mark, why should people get extra just because they do distance ed? I mean, I understand the lack of continous face to face contact with a...
  4. Nadiaaa

    yummyyy music taste :)

    yummyyy music taste :)
  5. Nadiaaa

    Ours too :) But this isn't blocked cuz of the resources :)

    Ours too :) But this isn't blocked cuz of the resources :)
  6. Nadiaaa

    Open High School = bonus marks? Debunk.

    Whaaaat? I do Italian at a Saturday school because it isn't offered at my school, so do I get extra marks? Fuck that's not fair.
  7. Nadiaaa

    Did you know/see anyone cheat in the half yearly?

    This wasn't in recent exams, but like last year, 2 girls I know cheated in an exam and still only got like, 4/20 and 3/20 LOL.
  8. Nadiaaa

    The "I didn't go well in my half yearlies" Thread

    Me toooo. I didn't do as much as I should have, and I fcking faailed half yearlies. 60s/70s :(:(
  9. Nadiaaa

    2 exams in one day !

    English paper 1 + Food Tech on one day :(
  10. Nadiaaa

    Hehehe saaaaaame, I'm over it :P But it's not blocked at school xD so that's why I'm on.

    Hehehe saaaaaame, I'm over it :P But it's not blocked at school xD so that's why I'm on.
  11. Nadiaaa

    hey loser =]

    hey loser =]