Recent content by Mrkingofstuff

  1. M

    Bachelor of Arts (Economics major) vs Bachelor of Economics at USYD

    What is the difference between the two? Is the Bachelor of Economics more 'employable'? If my interests are broad, would the arts degree be preferable?
  2. M

    Sneaking into lectures/classes?

    If you are not studying at a particular university, is there anything stopping you from walking onto campus and attending random lectures? Besides the obvious issues of not knowing times or potential ethical issues. Are rolls marked? Would you be able to push this even further and attend actual...
  3. M

    Are there any uni courses which are permanently unattainable because of a low atar?

    I'm talking in regards to courses which you may not be able to transfer into, or things similar to that. I'm just trying to figure out the importance of the atar in the long term.
  4. M

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Writing for two-three hours in Adv. English, Economics, Business, Modern and Ext. History is certainly going to leave my hand in a very poor state for quite awhile.
  5. M

    Should English be compulsory??

    Making English not compulsory would result in many people taking up an extra two units and ignoring English. It should definitely be compulsory, we live in an English speaking nation. Everyone who says that it shouldn't be compulsory is misdirecting their response at the structure and content...
  6. M

    Personalised HSC Timetable Dates

    English (Advanced) Written Examination Paper 1: Area of Study 14/10/2013 11:20 This exam starts at the special time of 11.20am. Students will complete their responses to Question 1 in a personalised Section I writing booklet. Further information will be available in 'My Messages' later in Term...
  7. M

    Can i get a 90 ATAR?

    Is this accurate? I am personally worried about my goal of 90-95 but I am sitting on overall better marks than what you have stated. I guess it gives me reason to worry less.
  8. M

    Can I get 90-95?

    Career advisor used previous year results to estimate what band my current ranks would give.
  9. M

    Can I get 90-95?

    Am I on track for 98 with what I am currently on? I've approximated around 90ish but I wasn't sure so I came here to ask. I'd love to get to that stage in English and Math, good band 5's at least. Not sure how possible it is but I'll put the effort in.
  10. M

    Can I get 90-95?

    After approximately 40-45% of internal marks being completed, I have rankings of: At a school ranked 35-45 Advanced English: =90/150 (Low band 5) (Mark of 70%) Mathematics: =95/115 (Mid band 4) (Mark of 50%) Business Studies: =4/36 (Band 6) Modern History =4/45 (Band 6) Economics 5/26 (High Band...
  11. M

    Learner drivers win reprieve: 120 hours to 80

    I guess it's an improvement on the current 30 hours = 10 lessons. I'm more curious to what happens if you are currently on your L's and have already had 10+ lessons. An extra 10 hours would help a lot.
  12. M

    His Ext Major Work - 2013

    Would I be able to do US Intervention in Iraq, 2003 or is there some arbitrary limit on how recent a topic can be? Resources aren't an issue.
  13. M

    His Ext Major Work - 2013

    Doing something to do with US Foreign Policy ie. The concept of Pax Americana. Something like interventionism vs imperialism. Need to work out what to cover in 2500 words.
  14. M

    What are you currently Reading?

    Reading through The Fall by Albert Camus after reading some of his other fiction. It is (so far) the kind of deep conversational writing that I really enjoy.
  15. M

    does assessment mark really matter or just rank?

    I have heard this (only ranks matter, 1st rank gets 1st exam mark); as well as your assessment mark being worth 50% of your final HSC mark, after moderation and alignment. I really am confused at which scenario is correct, and would appreciate any clarification.