Recent content by Mizuki

  1. Mizuki

    Fasting Through The HSC

    to the people who are not fasting cause they think they can make up for it later ~ you can't simply make up for it, of course you will have to do qada'a for your missed days, but if you miss your fast on purpose, you will also face a punishment for it in the hereafter...its about the same as...
  2. Mizuki

    How the hell do u become a professional shooter or archer now a days

    pffft, rude kids>.> you should try the Sydney olympic park archery centre, i go there often and i even see lil kiddies going...
  3. Mizuki

    Removal of English as a REQUIRED subject.

    good point sam04u... I understand that english is needed but personally, I'd rather not do it at all^^
  4. Mizuki

    English Advanced vs English Standard

    errrr...dunno, maybe some people like a challenge<.<
  5. Mizuki

    making speeches rock!

    an idea - give your class a general challenge and sort of predict what kind of response most of them would give and analyse that according to their "ideals, backgrounds, emotions and relationships", that is if you can.
  6. Mizuki

    Trials Are Over!

    not quite finished yet...
  7. Mizuki

    Private or Public?

    za, weird, I thought more than just 7 people are doing ext2 this year
  8. Mizuki

    WW & Malouf notes for you

    good notes^^ I don't like WW or Malouf, my teacher went on so long about them that I got sick of them...
  9. Mizuki

    How fast do you read?

    I can read fast if the book I'm reading is one I like...but I'm super slow if it's something I don't like.
  10. Mizuki


    our school accelerates in maths, english, bio, physics and chem...I'm doing HSC this year for maths and bio even though I'm in year 11 (plus we don't get a choice, if the principal says we have to accelerate, then we HAVE to).
  11. Mizuki

    bio trials how did every one go????

    we have a weird school system...
  12. Mizuki

    Table Tennis

    I'd love to play against any of you...but I don't have much practice and I'm basically self taught
  13. Mizuki

    bio trials how did every one go????

    i completely messed up in the cssa trial, got 64%...but I think I did much better in the second trial(independent) which we did today...
  14. Mizuki

    Transposable genetic elements that the same as saying it can turn genes on or off? Cause that's how I'v been taught...
  15. Mizuki

    n e 1 need help?

    oh, and another thing...does anyone have the syllabus? I tried to get it off the Board of Studies website but it wasn't opening...