Recent content by missy_toodles

  1. M

    UAI estimated please :)

    low 70's is good ! :) thanks guys
  2. M

    Prediction for me Pretty Please :0

    Hiiiiiiiiiiiii every1 :) I just wanted to get a UAI estimates please :) I just wanna get into Arts... i hope this helps me =[ ancient history - 81 business - 74 advanced english - 79 general math - 50 society n culture - 77 1 unit religion 41 (outof50) Thanks guys i hope i...
  3. M

    UAI estimated please :)

    Hiiiiiiiiiiiii every1 :) I just wanted to get a UAI estimates please :) I just wanna get into Arts... i hope this helps me =[ ancient history - 81 business - 74 advanced english - 79 general math - 50 society n culture - 77 1 unit religion 41 (outof50) Thanks guys i hope i...