Recent content by MicK_eT

  1. M

    comp247 people!!! help!

    Hey whats the layout of the exam? Is it MC, short answer.. or that horrible essay like we had to do in our assignments? Did anyone goto the last lecture when he talked about this stuff?
  2. M

    Who does Comp125.. or does I.T

    *cries* its evil.. *wails* help... comfort.. *hides in corner* anyone done assignment 2 or whatever..? :chainsaw:
  3. M

    marketing 101

    since when do we have an assignment! *silent scream*
  4. M

    fire alarm!?

    security guys have been checkin the alarms... yesterday wen i was walkin to class 3 dsecurity dudes were at a panel and when i went pass they turned it on...
  5. M

    2005 Official Roll Call

    BIT 2nd Year... (Doing first yr subs.. :[) OMG i forgot abt this site.. hahaha gotta remind pb.. :D i wanna transfer to something else.. but what hahaha
  6. M

    AHST100 Tute Paper.

    i did it last yr too! in first sem.. its soo cool.. i did my major work on the day... terrible stuff.. but i got d's for my other paper things :D
  7. M

    marketing 101

    oops i didnt goto the accg marketing lecture.. hehe was doin maths.. eep... lecture slides work fine for me.. remember u should get the ones for that week or so.. not get like week 13.. its realli funky (bad funky that is) that the first page is all the lectures we've yet to have
  8. M

    Sanity Xmas Casual

    :'( i feel so stupid.. this lady called me and i was still sleepy.. i blame it on the sleepiness that made me not think.. and they asked to an interview tomroow but i said i cant im workin all day.. which is only half true since im only workin in the morning.. and argh i feel like ive rejected...
  9. M

    Are you working during the summer break b4 uni?? if so ... where??

    where did u get that from because thats not right and i have paychecks to prove that. you might be working off oooollllllllllllllllldddddd information or something. i just felt the need to defend kmart.... damn loyalty... :(
  10. M

    Not attracted to your race

    thats actually scary.... and fobs are usually used in regards to islanders? (but yeh i know u mean international style asian ppl...)
  11. M

    Not attracted to your race

    up until recently i never really paid attention to someones background.. :S strange but i never saw someone as asian or white or whatever just.. whether they were nice.. mean and the like. *shrugs* im not worried about whether my other half is of teh same background as me or not and teh same...
  12. M

    Job satisfaction

    i dont mind my work.. but it does get borin n crap.. managers are nice tho.. n fellow employees are cool.. *shrugs* my work is tryna take over my life though.. its kinda scary when you spend more time awake at work than at home ,.... or uni :S
  13. M

    Anyone skiing in Japan?

    i thought u were jokin bout not knowin japan has snow...
  14. M

    hahaha mission accomplished!

    i know acstyle..
  15. M

    Footy Tips for the week

    i loathe the eels.. among others...