Recent content by melzii

  1. melzii

    Bachelor of Education (Secondary: Humanities and Social Sciences)/Bachelor of Arts

    Yeah, lots of females!. I think I only spotted three guys. More males, I say!. Nevertheless, everyone seemed pretty nice :)
  2. melzii

    Bachelor of Education (Secondary: Humanities and Social Sciences)/Bachelor of Arts

    Yep :) This Friday! Is it dorky that I'm excited just for enrollment?.. :D Haha I think I've answered my own question.
  3. melzii

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    Seriously, just put me out of my freakin' misery NOW! I woke up about 6 times in the duration of 4 hours last night.. The HSC turned me into a god damn insomniac. I'm feeling so sick, I could throw up right now and I'd be a happy girl. I've lost my mind :D
  4. melzii

    General Thoughts - General Mathematics

    I'm sorry to burst your over-inflated ego, but that whole bravado thing your playing doesn't help you pick up chicks.. I hope that you fall flat on your face, or shatter into a million pieces. Either will be fine. Oh, and I didn't know that people who do ESL can meet the requirements for...
  5. melzii

    Anyone thinks they have killed the test

    If you go back to the first page of this thread then you'll find that I made a typo according to the order that I did the sections during the exams.. and yes, I wrote the correct sections on the booklet. I'm flattered that you cared so much to point out my errors though champ :)
  6. melzii

    Anyone thinks they have killed the test

    No, I just mixed them up right now. I was thinking of the order I did them when I replied to this post, but thankfully I wrote the correct sections on the booklets. I checked them about 50 times.
  7. melzii

    Anyone thinks they have killed the test

    NO! Didn't "kill" it.. I think I did well though. Section 1 - 7 pages (this was the hardest section.. BY FAR!) Section 2 - 15 pages for physical journeys (relatively easy, took a bit of thought to define 'unexpected detours') Section 3 - 10 pages (awesome, one of my prepared creative writing...
  8. melzii

    Physical Journey: Unexpected Detours

    The question was a bit shonky. It threw me back at first, but then I managed to spin something up.. I had a problem with finding 'detours' in The Town Where Time Stands Still, so I ended up saying that some people subconciously hope for 'detours' in their everyday lives in order to embark on a...
  9. melzii

    just a quick question

    Through courts aswell..
  10. melzii


    Hey guys.. I was wondering if anyone could give me a hand with how I can tackle this question.. "Assess the effectiveness of the role of law in the workplace. Include a discussion on the contract of employment"... I'm not too sure how I can integrate the discussion part within the essay.. and...
  11. melzii

    Please Help Me : (

    Is the teacher who told you that your work was fine marking your major?.. If so just go by what he/she is saying! In the end, they will be marking your work.. Don't stress too much, take some time out and draw up a scaffold of what you think you should do. I suggest you read over your essay and...
  12. melzii

    Help with units.

    Oh wow! Your awesome at replying quick! Thanks so much :)
  13. melzii

    Help with units.

    Hey, I was just wondering how 11 units get counted in the HSC?.. Do your lowest 2 unit marks get split in half then the 1 unit subject is added onto that?.. Or is there a more technical and confusing way?
  14. melzii


    The assessment said strictly under 1200 words.. I did another legal issue and ended up going 55 words over the limit, still without a conclusion. My question just specified if I could get a band 6 result with 3 legal issues instead of doing a half assed job with 4 issues just to stay under...
  15. melzii

    Noob in essay!

    Wait wait.. how do sentences imposed on a guilty person in a court have anything to do with family law?... I'd help you, but I really have no idea how that question relates to Family. Are you sure it isn't Crime?