Recent content by MeagsXCore

  1. M

    notes: methods of cookery needed!

    could u please send some to me too
  2. M

    Methods Of Cookery-notes

    hey could you please send the notes this way too
  3. M

    multipul choice

    from that i also got 17/20
  4. M

    How many stayed???

    i stayed untill the end. our school wont let us leave. i didn't have any spare time though. there was so much to write
  5. M

    The 2004 HSC - Business Studies Paper

    that was fucked!! no more business ever YAY
  6. M

    Shoe-Horn Sonata

    u dont need related texts for shoe horn cause its a close study of a text
  7. M

    The THemes os ShoeHorn Sonata??

    the themes i used were redemption, comradeship, power and control, heroism and constructing the past
  8. M

    Important: text types, eg letter, review

    hey guys can anyone help me by posting some information on the different text types that we may be asked to use tomorrow. Thanks Heaps!!
  9. M


    i failed 30% i thought it fucking sucked