Recent content by makowiec

  1. M

    International Studies at Macq?

    Hey, i've been thinking of transferring into Bachelor of International studies at Macq, i'm at Usyd now. Is it generally a good/useful degree? Also are the job prospects worse than with a BA in political science at USyd? Cheers!
  2. M

    BA at USyd to International Studies at Macq?

    Hi, i'm in second semester of a BA (Govt & International Relations) at Usyd and want to transfer into Macquarie Uni International Studies. How do i go about this? If i transfer, do i have the start the degree from first year or can i get into second year? Cheers. I hear the UAC applications are...
  3. M

    I can't add units of study on Student Administration online?

    Its ok, turns out you're not allowed to take all the Government units in first year :/ thanks anyway! :P
  4. M

    Semester 1 Timetables

    Is anyone else having trouble adding units of study online on Student Administration? I successfully withdrew from a unit and I've been trying to add another one, but each time it just says an error occurred and "Pending UOS" :S
  5. M

    I can't add units of study on Student Administration online?

    Is anyone else having trouble adding units to their timetable on MyUni? I successfully withdrew from a first year Philosophy unit and I've been trying to add Australian Politics (GOVT1101) instead and each time it just says that an error occurred and "Pending UOS"... :/ I've emailed the Arts...
  6. M

    For a career in diplomacy - arts or international studies?

    ^ Alright thanks :) I was thinking International Studies at Macq would be too broad so Arts (Govt and International Relations) at Sydney Uni would be more appropriate? At least theres still time to decide :P
  7. M

    For a career in diplomacy - arts or international studies?

    I was just wondering, to be a diplomat would a bachelor of international studies be too broad? Or instead should I do a BA and major in international relations?
  8. M

    Cut off?

    fuck all you bastards -.- business multiple was hard, short answer easy and extended ok