Recent content by Majimaune

  1. Majimaune

    Csu 2010!

    Seems fair enough. I would like to get away from the parentals next year... Well if I get in then I will be
  2. Majimaune

    Csu 2010!

    Sell the car, saves a bit of money. But I get you on the alcohol thing. It is too expensive.
  3. Majimaune

    Csu 2010!

    Laura, I'm thinking that too, except for the waitress part. I reckon if I take a year off I'll get too chilled not studying and all that and not want to go back to it all.
  4. Majimaune

    B Communications/B Sports Studies

    Also considering, though not my first preference and I have gotten incredibly annoyed at the essay they want us to write for it.
  5. Majimaune

    500 internal service error wtf

    Maybe the website was overloading because of too many people trying to use it. They do that.
  6. Majimaune

    Negativity towards ND

    This sounds encouraging. It has only been in Sydney for about five years but it is now expanding and is becoming one of the recommended places for nursing. I come from a pretty small school. Wixxy if you're at Sydney you might know a couple of people from it, Lorien Novalis, so I'm very...
  7. Majimaune

    Did anybody not write a short story?

    I did write a story but before I started it writing a poem crossed my mind then I dismissed it cause my poetry is usually pretty short. And does it really matter how long it was? I mean mine was three and a half pages and that was the end of the story. If I had tried to make it go on longer...
  8. Majimaune

    Section 2 - Creative Writing

    It's nice to know I'm not the only one outside of my five other friends who work similar to me. I read a lot and so I just searched my head til I found the best thing for it.
  9. Majimaune

    Section 2 - Creative Writing

    Creative writing is my strong point so I wasn't worrying about it too much. Actually I'm probably one of the only people in NSW who didn't go in with a prepared essay either. I knew what I needed to write I had just never written something before hand. I write better like that because I can...
  10. Majimaune

    Section 2 - Creative Writing

    I didn't have a story prepared and I actually had to stop myself laughing while I was writing mine, thats how much enjoyment I had. I did take characters from other short stories that I've written before but it was a completely new story and I'm just disappointed that I wont be able to read it...
  11. Majimaune

    Csu 2010!

    Theatre/Media at Bathurst. I'm not sure if I'll be able to afford to go next year though. I might need to spend next year working so that I can pay for accommodation and food and booze and all that sort of thing. It gets expensive quickly. And a friend said to me today when I was talking to him...
  12. Majimaune

    History and Memory and Other related texts

    From what you have just said there it sounds like you should try and get it to relate to 9/11 but I don't think it would be essential. I've got Denise Levertov poetry which most of it is about the Vietnam War but then there is just some other random stuff there too. My selected texts to go with...
  13. Majimaune

    How to tell if SHE loves you?

    Does no one in this thread go to a co-ed school? Come on people, keep your derogatory comments to yourselves. It ain't cool. Don't you hear enough of them at school? Why bring them here? I can't answer this for anyone else but myself... When she knows what your thinking and knows your life...
  14. Majimaune

    Hamlet - MAD?

    I wouldn't say that Hamlet is entirely with it all the time but he is a smart cookie and I wouldn't call him mad. Half way there maybe? But like Kaz said, I can't see how it would be relevant. Oh and Kaz, love the dp. Must try suiting up one night when I go out.
  15. Majimaune

    Frankenstein & Blade Runner Quotes

    "I think, Sebastian, therefore I am." - Pris. One of the best ones there is I think.