Recent content by lucidassembly

  1. lucidassembly

    Clashes in timetable

    It looks like they've changed the psych subjects: PSY245: Lecture 1 Monday ~ 3-5pm PSY248: Lecture 1 Thursday ~ 9-10am & Lecture 2 Tuesday ~ 5-7pm :)
  2. lucidassembly


    I thought MQ used a SNG in psych though... I haven't seen anything about a WAM. This is the latest info from the official website on getting into Honours: An average Standard Numerical Grade (SNG) of 70 over all Psychology units (including STAT170); AND an average SNG of 70 over all Psychology...
  3. lucidassembly

    Results Prediction Thread

    Re: ! I'm just hoping estudent doesn't crash at midnight... I'd hate to stay up and not be able to check anyway. It was totally made of awesome :D I can't wait to see how they deal with it next season! Dexter's already been having a pretty hard time juggling everything, and life isn't going to...
  4. lucidassembly

    ENGL206/271 question :)

    Does anyone know what the assessments and texts studied are within ENGL206 (Gothic Visions: From Sublime to Suburban Gothic)? Thanks :)
  5. lucidassembly

    Movie Quote Game

    Boondock Saints :D Can't wait to see the sequel! "I like these calm little moments before the storm. It reminds me of Beethoven. Can you hear it? It's like when you put your head to the grass and you can hear the growin' and you can hear the insects. Do you like Beethoven?"
  6. lucidassembly

    movies about conflicting perspectives?

    American History X - politically/racially oriented :) Amazing film!
  7. lucidassembly

    Why is Science Fiction stereotyped as poor so often?

    I completely agree unfortunately. It speaks wonders about general perceptions of science fiction that Battlestar got snubbed for Best Drama this year at the Emmys (the most likely reason being that a sci-fi show couldn't possibly be considered a 'drama'). Even if the Star Trek and Star Wars...
  8. lucidassembly

    Question Regarding Units

    This reply is slightly late lol, but I'm enrolled in WST110 and there's quite a few places left. There are 3 tutorials with empty places: one with 1, one with 7 and one with 12. Hope that helps :)
  9. lucidassembly

    Q's For Girls!

    Ah, you have to love the only pickup line in history that has any chance of working :p And I agree with Adilis... adorkable is incredibly underrated.
  10. lucidassembly

    Q's For Girls!

    It's a definite no to those qualities. It doesn't have anything to do with economic status either. I think for most girls, it's the whole troubled, mysterious yet exciting vibe that 'bad boys' seem to give off. I don't really know... I'd happily settle for nice :)
  11. lucidassembly

    Q's For Girls!

    Could that be any more of a stereotype? I've never read Twilight and I honestly don't want to. The entire Edward pandemic is enough to give me a headache. It's not unreasonable to want a partner who is as mature as you. Isn't it simply about compatibility? I certainly wouldn't want a boyfriend...
  12. lucidassembly

    Q's For Girls!

    Reid is a fantastic character! He's so unbelievably endearing. I adored the episode LDSK where Hotch pretends to work with the killer and Reid saves the day with his awesome shooting :p Because, surprisingly enough, some girls aren't actually immature :)
  13. lucidassembly

    Q's For Girls!

    Shoes aren't an issue for me at all. I find it somewhat amusing that people get judged according to what they wear on their feet :rolleyes:
  14. lucidassembly


    I can't believe they kicked him off :( He was one of the best dancers there! I honestly can't think of any reason why they would have... he was consistently amazing.
  15. lucidassembly

    The best movie lines

    "Nothing happens in the world? Are you out of your fucking mind? People are murdered every day. There's genocide, war, corruption. Every fucking day, somewhere in the world, somebody sacrifices his life to save someone else. Every fucking day, someone, somewhere makes a conscious decision to...