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  1. L

    Where do you study a language?

    mm indo from my chinese from private tutor... japanese from private tutor n school french from school. learning least trying to. tis fun~
  2. L

    Were you born in the country of the language you are studying?

    well i guess...since i learn english i was born in the country of the language im studying, but i wasnt born in china, france, japan or indonesia (i study them too..), so i guess it doesnt count..
  3. L

    Indonesian Students!!!

    o wow so many indo people in oz...or oz's learning indo... k like basically the only reason i uh can reply is that uh...i speak indo but i dont write much like..yeah.. from new zealand and like my mums indo but my dads bule, and like soooooooooo i speak indo with my mummm and i...