Lauraline xx

I'm a singer... I've been given provisional entry to Newcastle con for 2008... i enjoy spending time with my friends and family more than anything i guess. er... i have a sarcastic streak. no. really. Im a God child as my friends call me... I like coffee and the occasional drink.

Music... travel... photography... coffee.
Academic Programme
English (I hate this subject), Music, Drama, Ancient History, Business studies, General Maths
Educational Institution
Grammar school
Political Views
Favourite Music
oh goodie... lets get started... Grunge, rock, indi, alternative, blues, opera, musicals, some forms of hiphop, jazz, laid back accoustic work, goth rock, hillsong. i dont like rap music.
Favourite TV Shows
Daria, Family guy, sex in the city, friends, one tree hill (before the got rid of it), Dr phil (which I discoverd when the HSC started), Rage... although it used to be better, malcom in the middle, nip tuck... stuff like that.
Favourite Movies
So many films. thats too hard. few- Matrix, Lord of the rings, 300, American pie, nocked up, the new james bond is cool, and ANYTHING with Johny Depp.
Favourite Books
Stuff on the net.
Music Shop Worker... like... the ones with instrum
Future Plans
Industry Interests
Arts/Entertainment/Sport & Rec


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