Recent content by KwIcKsAnDz

  1. K

    is there such thing as love

    Reading raiks story changed my mind love does exist and ppl should embrace it i havent cried since my own mother died but his post made me cry so sorry for your loss man why do the bad things always happen to the best people
  2. K

    love Vs Career

    you put your friends after career and gf! man your priorities are messed up
  3. K

    'you perfect' match.

    damm raiks im sorry. your golf course story was one of the true highlights of BOS. i cant belive the world is fucked up... be strong dude, she will be with you in spirit
  4. K

    love Vs Career

    if there is no god or purpose to life then i feel that reproduction and thus love should come first. money doesnt buy happiness but having a good relationship will make you not miss money
  5. K

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    lol. sad but true in a way
  6. K

    What are you currently Reading?

    i read a book called spycatcher about counter espionage and such by peter wright an ex mI5 agent. gripping stuff i reccomend it
  7. K

    Prince of Persia

    ive read great things about this game but never actually played it. is the time stopping cool?
  8. K

    funny how this thread is also about travel! - rate ur top 10

    1 Germany 2 Holland 3 japan 4 USA 5 UK 6 space 7 sweden 8 Dubai 9 France 10 errr germany again?
  9. K

    its not fair

    julie knows her shit. listen to her
  10. K

    Honestly guys......

    props to the knight
  11. K

    WHO HERE is intending to have a job and STILL HAS NO JOB???

    they already have that its called McDonalds
  12. K

    Anyone interested in reading and meeting new friends

    that sounds interesting. im interested in expannding my horizons. what kinda books would the group read? would there be a timeframe involved?
  13. K

    does your bf oogle over other girls right infront of you???

    Havent you heard of the look but dont touch principle. if your not the hottest babe on the earth than get used to it
  14. K


    i dunno about you but i wouldnt pay to play a game i didnt like. i think the ppl have voted and WoW is winning right now, but they are 2 very diffrent games. eq2 is more hardcore and has a longer shelf life as a consequcence of that it takes longer to do anything in it. but the sense of...
  15. K


    yer it did have the skeleton dude on it, in like a drill sergant hat