Recent content by Kristy-R

  1. K

    need some good language devices, forms and features for changing perspective

    I have to do 5 related texts on changing perspective and one that i've chosen is the butterfly effect 2 i'm having trouble thinkin of how to explain or even find language features or anything in a movie?
  2. K

    Help need related text ideas

    a good poem is Flames and Dangling Wire by Robert Gray. thats one of the 5 that i'm foing for my related texts and its a really good one with a lot of inner meanings and it has a lot of really good language devices. you can go onto google and find an analysis of it too to help you.
  3. K

    Change - Related Texts

    a really good one on changing perspectives is; Robert Gray (poem) Flames and Dangling Wire.. and there is a lot of analysis' all over google for it too