Recent content by kchap42

  1. kchap42

    practical applications test?

    oh yes sounds like "Moddeling & Problem Solving" is what we call in in the old QLD :)
  2. kchap42

    help with QUATERNIONS :S

    Hey can anyone help me/show me how to do this questions to do with Quaternions... Lex x and y be two quaternions x = x<SUB>0</SUB> + x<SUB>1i</SUB> + x<SUB>2j</SUB> +x<SUB>3k</SUB> y = y<SUB>0</SUB> + y<SUB>1i</SUB> + y<SUB>2j</SUB> + y<SUB>3k</SUB> Find x.y The 4 numbers are l, i, j and...
  3. kchap42


    on saturday night - and i cornt wait!! YOU CORNT BE SERIOUS
  4. kchap42


    yep it will be on both when i checked last night. and yes i agree it should be a bit of fun to watch anyway. Get as much viewing as I can of Shane Warne before he's gone from everything forever & gilly & get some punter. hehe & warne said they didnt need a coach he's filling in the positiong...
  5. kchap42

    Difference Between - Coalition(Librals/Nationals) & Labor

    I would like to start a sensible discussion about the actual core differences, origins and policies (what is accepeted) in each of these parties. I have grown up in a very much Coalition supporting family. I feel they are more conservative. But lets hear some facts :D please people educate...
  6. kchap42

    Australia 2020 Youth Summit

    haha I totally agree, and it seems like the majority of others do also. This whole Twenty20 stuff is crappo
  7. kchap42

    Liberals sweep Brisbane City Council

    woo hoo!!!! at least we get something back :D
  8. kchap42

    is smoking weed bad?

    like most others have said... um YEA IT IS BAD! - For starters it is against the law! (um maybe thats a bit of the point) - It can have serious health related side effects. - It can effect your behaviour, you may say/do things you may otherwise normally not. and im sure there are others...
  9. kchap42

    Youth Allowance question

    get caught out & have to pay the money back!
  10. kchap42

    School bars same-sex partners at formals

    yea, I know, I've known of chicks that have taken each other to the formal at our school before, never been anything said against that. Though I don't think there has been two guys yet...
  11. kchap42

    SMW 2 - SNES Playing in German NOT ENGLISH!!

    Gah... I bought Super Mario World 2 the other day, put it in & it played everything in German :'( I took it out, put it in again & it played in English. Everytime since then it has continued to play in German. There are no options at the start of the game to choose language & the console plays...
  12. kchap42

    guys who like really thin girls

    haha very good
  13. kchap42

    Rudd v Binge Drinking

    Re: who IS responsible for teenage binge drinking? He doesn't really care about the behaviour or the alcohol poisoning/health related issues. Its just a cover up to make it look like this, really he is trying to prevent them from taking up precious room in the hospitals because the labor...
  14. kchap42

    Rudd v Binge Drinking

    Re: who IS responsible for teenage binge drinking? lol um you said noone dies from drinking to much? I think that is what this is about, educating people. It's called alcohol poisoning, no only this but alcohol can cause people to obtain many injuries and sometimes die.