Recent content by kate_is_me

  1. kate_is_me

    Rules for Customers

    Well that's pretty pointless. Why even bother with them? Might as well get the voucher printed out.
  2. kate_is_me

    Rules for Customers

    do those EDR cards only count if its over $30? So if you buy something for $10, scan it and then buy something for $20 the next day and scan your card it doesn't total up?
  3. kate_is_me

    True Blood

    No its not an anime, it's basically porn with a mystery plot and vampires. I've only seen the first 4 episodes but because I already know the 'whodunnit' for season 1, I'm not all 'ohmigod i need to see the next episode' about it. I've seen the dvd on sale for about 27 bucks at Target. It's not...
  4. kate_is_me

    Home and Away

    I liked seeing Ryan and Amanda with Leah at the wedding. Nice little details to keep the continuity of the characters. I am not however loving this .
  5. kate_is_me

    Gossip Girl

    I was not interested at all about this flashback episode, but it really was interesting lol. Would like to see where they go with it. .
  6. kate_is_me

    Home and Away

    That... is... almost impossible. What's the age difference between them, like 10 years?
  7. kate_is_me

    Home and Away

    Finally, home and away gets interesting. So, Irene is involved in a murder mystery. Fun. And I thought Hugo and MArtha were going to get together. Not that I care about Hugo. He can go leave the Bay now.
  8. kate_is_me

    Gossip Girl

    Apparently he's going to pop up in season 3, but I always assumed he was dead. I mean, he wasn't there when Eric tried to kill himself, and Lily did say Bart signed adoption papers to adopt Eric and Serena. How can Bart adopt them if their dad was still alive?
  9. kate_is_me

    Gossip Girl

    No, the adoptive parents just assumed he found out about Lily and Rufus. Dan said at the beginning of the episode that some story of his got published in some newspaper and some kid wrote him a fan letter about how awesome his writing was. Dan was just calling him to thank him for the letter...
  10. kate_is_me

    Gossip Girl

    Okay, so Rufus and Lily's lovechild is writing a fan letter to Dan? And now adoptive parents are freaking out. I still don't get why the adoptive parents are so worried about 'losing their son'. So Lily gives the kid up for adoption, probably takes a couple of months for her to recover from the...
  11. kate_is_me

    Home and Away

    What's been happening on this show? Haven't watched it since Joey gave a statement to Charlie that Robbo raped her then her brother came in and pulled her out of the station. Anything good happen since then?
  12. kate_is_me

    Home and Away

    So now Angelo's not going to trial. I heard a rumour that . Maybe that's why the trial isn't going ahead? I hope Angelo comes back to the bay when this whole storyline is over and the town can buy him a big fat apology cake.
  13. kate_is_me

    when do we get our uni cards?

    my student card expires march 09 but because of switching to part-time last year, i still have another 3 semesters to go. Does anyone know if I have to pay to renew?
  14. kate_is_me

    Gossip Girl

    do I still need to spoiler last week's ep? Ehh, I'll do it anyway in case someone hasn't seen it yet. .