Recent content by kass

  1. K

    The Rise Of Evil

    Yeah I watched it, I thought it was pretty good, it was a great memory jolter, and I was able to say, oh yeah I remember that event from doing that in class. When is the second part on?
  2. K

    Ext 2 Maths vrs Ext 1 Maths marks

    That is what I do, adn I am going so much better in 4 unit than 3 unit because of it. It's just that I have to put so much more effort into 4 unit because it's harder and a lot more involved, and also because we have classes outside school time and so we have heaps more outside school work to...
  3. K


    We have 14, but there are 2 classes, the other one has 16.
  4. K

    Hardest 4U topic

    I think you are all crazy. I find complex numbers the hardest ( i have NO idea!) , then conics, then volumes, integration, graphs and ploynomials are all on about the same level. Harder 3 unit might be just below conics (but I have only just done it and haven't had much practice), and I...
  5. K

    Ext hist

    How mush would extension history boost a UAI??
  6. K

    UAI Prediction

    Yeah only school in the area that is beating us grrr.... :p
  7. K

    is the hsc really easier than our trials or practice papers?

    Ahh ok I thought so but I couldn't work our the 'SA" part of it.
  8. K

    UAI Prediction

    hmmmm well i am from around that area, and I can say that Alstonville High is really good. Got a 100 a year or 2 back.
  9. K

    Lowest UAI I've ever seen!

    Yeah Southern Cross Lismore is a 93. But the difference is that QUT is one of the really good unis in Brisbane.
  10. K

    Q. Trig and Series

    I can get to sin2x = 2sin^2(x)
  11. K

    Q. Trig and Series

    Try putting all your sinx's on one side and your cosx's on the other. Then expand the 2x's... Just an idea..
  12. K

    Lowest UAI I've ever seen!

    LOL Thats low. QLD is low compared to most NSW unis. QUT (where I want to go) is 95 for law.
  13. K

    North Vietnam Essay

    OK on a differnet topic, but still North Vietnam. Does anyone know anything about the NVA (North Vietnam Army), as our history teacher has given us a weekend assignment on it and I can't find anything on it! All the books and internet sites I can find are only about South Veitnam and America...
  14. K

    History Day In Coffs Harbour

    Its a bit late isn't it?