Recent content by kalinda

  1. K

    forensics or shipwrecks?? which one should i choose?

    if u do bio then forensic is def the way to go because alot of the work is on amino acids and DNA the forensic option i found was fairly easy and straightfoward
  2. K

    goood exam ?

    overall i think that previous years were better it was ok i guess but still there were a few obsure questions that i dont think should have been there
  3. K


    YES it was awesome so much to talk about
  4. K

    The 2004 HSC - Drama Paper

    meyerhold was a mad question - so much to write about aussie was a bit yuck but over all ok
  5. K

    How Many Pages?

    eight for both and my writing was nice and small ;)
  6. K

    NO motivation...

    setting time limits is good because u then when u get near the time limit ur like hurry up and get this done - rewards are good too especially where they include chocolate
  7. K


    What topics should we really cover in the Meyerhold essay the ones i can really think of are: Biomethanics - training device for actors and a way of expression the mask and the gross again a way of expression thats all at the moment ill try to add more later
  8. K

    Announcement: Monday's Exam

    and have sugar before you go in the only uses sugar for energy or eat a banana because it has slow burning energy to get you though an exam GOOD LUCK ALL
  9. K

    Module A - Elective 1: Transformations

    over all it was an ok question but i agreed in that the wording was vague
  10. K

    Module C - Elective 2: Powerplay

    over all i thought it went well however i didnt get to write all that i wanted to write because i ran out of time oh well
  11. K

    Module B - Critical Study of Texts

    i am just happy in the speeches they didnt stipulate a speech other wise i would have been up shit creek over all i didnt find it too bad but there was alot of emphasis on our perceptive and Interpretation this year
  12. K

    Whats Wrong With Speeches??

    basically u think of the values of the text and the main ideas then you put tese values in a totally different context and what would be the reception of it. example Paul Keating deals with being Australian and the Australia spirit - the people of this time received it well and believed in...
  13. K

    Offering: Emma Techniques....Wanted: Clueless Techniques!

    the techniques for Clueless are the usual visual techniques such as music, shots - high, low medium, etc irony - the voice over contradicting the imagery onscreen - such as the wardrobe scene where Cher is saying i have a way normal life and she is picking her clothles out from a computer...
  14. K

    Whats Wrong With Speeches??

    i have no idea what to write for pearson, levertov and Aung San Suu because we didnt cover them that well in class ne thing you can tell me about these would be great help
  15. K

    updated values of clueless

    i was just wondering what the bearing of multiculturalism has on the film. Or is heckerling just tryin to state something - if so what? also i know that Clueless has the values of Multiculturalism and consumerism - is there any other values in clueless but not in Emma?