Recent content by kahlo

  1. K

    Dt Finally Completed

    Congratulations all!!! I can't believe it is all finally over!!! Ours get marked this Thursday. Set up room on Wednesday arvo for when they come the next morning!
  2. K

    grad assembly.

    ooh switchfoot, forgot i had some of their cd's...
  3. K

    grad assembly.

    Time of your Life - Green Day... hrmmm... been done too many times before. Great song though.
  4. K

    marking MW?

    Being in the North West region, the markers come to our school. Our works and VAPDs are just locked up and we are not aloud to touch them until the markers come. Well that is what they did last year, but not the year before. I think they will be coming to our school again this year.
  5. K

    Trials HSC exam study

    I just did the online multi choice and there is alot that you end up with 2 choices that could be correct. This also happens in the biology exam I think. (Well they are the 2 exams that I have multi choice in). I usually leave the questions with 2 possible answers to last. They are usually...
  6. K

    Major Bitching :)

    I'm not. I know for a fact that I will be working the day before it is due. Others are WAY ahead of me in folio work anyway. I'm looking at a really late night. If I wasn't trying to help to get others finished then why was I trying to talk to another fellow classmate into finishing his...
  7. K

    Major Bitching :)

    Shhh you! I did a bit of work today... At least we are further ahead (in practical sense) than others in the class!
  8. K

    Anyone lost motivation?

    Yup. Just 8 more weeks of school to go... Then 2 weeks holiday, 1 week STUVAC then the HSC starts... *sigh*
  9. K

    jus wonderin when is the due date for ur majors

    Aug 29th aswell. *sigh*
  10. K

    How's the Projects going?

    I'm at school on a Saturday doing folio work... I still haven't finished my practical. It's kind of scary that I don't think I am going to finish in time. Spose I really shoudn't be posting on here either... Doesn't help that I have art and D&T due in on same day.
  11. K

    Major Bitching :)

    It would help if you actually did work in class. :p;)
  12. K

    2005 HSC Exam Timetable - what do u think?

    Wow. I feel sorry for a heap of you with where your exams are layed out. Mine are: Week 1 Adv Eng 1 - 17/20 Adv Eng 2 & Desgin and Tech- 20/10 Week 2 Adv Math - 24/10 Bio - 28/10 Week 4 Vis Arts - 10/11 I am just peeved off that major for Design & Technology and major for...
  13. K

    Monty Python (merged)

    Monty Python rocks! Ive watched it since I was little cause my dad watched it. Ive seen Holy grail over40 times... I think... I lost count? And one of my fav episodes of flying circus was when they went to the resteraunt that served spam...
  14. K

    Which sport do u prefer???

    basketball... Can't stand any type of football (and no i am not talking about soccer there). bball just doesn't get the same media attention as any other sport... Also I like it when you bounce a ball, you know where it is going to go...
  15. K

    Playing the piano

    I played for about two years in primary school. Quit cause I didn't like my teacher and I was sick of travelling for over an hour (there and back) each week. Now I wish I still played.