Recent content by joelv

  1. joelv

    Umat Results!

    Oh man, i'm part of that 1/3 club who do worse the second time they sit it. Well what can you do?
  2. joelv

    Admission to Undergraduate MBBS based on GPA

    Um as far as I'm aware, after you reach the UAI/GPA hurdle its only interview and Umat which count (with a heavier weighting on interview).. unless you are trying to gain entry through UWS's Advanced science stream in which interview places are offered to the top 6 based on umat and GPA...
  3. joelv

    Admission to Undergraduate MBBS based on GPA

    For applicants who have completed at least one year of full time study (or its part time equiv.) the cut off GPA is 5.5. So between credit and distinction average. After that its umat and interview which determine who is offered a place. Hope that helps
  4. joelv

    UWS O-Week

    Croc show? lol. I can see the crocs at Campbelltown escaping to the front dam and living there all year snacking on students as they walk past... that would be exciting... but I best not get my hopes up
  5. joelv

    Science (ADV) unit selection help

    I'm doing med science (through adv science) at Campbelltown. Yeah I soon realised what the course is like when I found out we do extension stuff in our holidays.. Although there was something bout excursions to like a brewery n stuff. Not sure what that’s about. I still haven't enrolled in...
  6. joelv

    Science (ADV) unit selection help

    Yeah I got so lost with it too. There's some number you can ring up if ya heaps lost or you can email them. They are fairly helpful. I think your alternatives and electives depend on what area you wanna study in the advanced science degree. You will have to put in your units for the spring...
  7. joelv

    what a bunch of rude pricks!!!

    Yeah but it doesnt apply to courses with additional selection criteria like med. And the scheme only applies if you live in gws. Otherwise yeah I think it'd work like that.
  8. joelv

    Official UWS Student List 2008

    Lol same. Science Advanced Campbelltown '08'. MBBS entry '09' (Hopefully)
  9. joelv

    Anyone doing Medical science at campelltown

    Yeah i'm doing med science at campbelltown through the advanced science degree.
  10. joelv

    UWS MBBS Interviews

    They said at their open day thing 360 interviews were offered last year for 108 places, this year they were going to cut it down to 300 interviews for 115 places. Yeah I'm not sure how their going to fit everyone in but I guess they'll do lots of interviews in January too.
  11. joelv

    UWS MBBS Interviews

    Whoa thats sweet... 159! I got 161 and I'm a GWS Uws applicant. I havent got an offer yet cos my school wont give a predicted uai.. so I have to wait till the actual uai's come out... but that gives me hope Did they get a heaps high uai or something?
  12. joelv

    UWS med

    Na I'm not rural and I didnt apply to Monash. Congrats on the inteview. Im a GWS applicant so at best UWS might be my best chance. Either that or JCU cos they dont need UMAT. If I can just get an interview somewhere I might be able to save myself
  13. joelv

    UWS med

    S1:51 (59%) S2:54 (74%) S3:56 (75%) Total: raw; 161 (208) My overall score was 53 (68%) Fingers crossed we make that cutoff!! Otherwise its sit UMAT next year. Boy would that be fun
  14. joelv

    UWS med

    At the UWS open day this year the Dean said that for gws applicants the umat needs to be round in the top 30%. Although the higher the better your rank will be, compared to others. I had a friend who said he was told by UWS that this years cut off for gws was 164+ which is much lower that what...
  15. joelv

    UMAT Results

    4) You may end up with an ugly looking HECS fee at the end of it too