Recent content by Ingsoc

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    notice the price hike absolute cock suckers
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    Halo and Zelda:OOT

    zelda: oot is one of the best crafted all round game ever... always compellin and neva a dull moment... cept maybe tat elusive key in the water temple
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    Commerce/Law - Any chance?

    he's a jew
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    Survivor 9 - Vanuatu

    wo0t ami's a lesbian
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    One Tree Hill

    what's the song tat they play in the promo?
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    my friend does opto 52 at the start of yr... down to 40ish in semester 2
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    wont improve ur marks but mark my words
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    u're just jealous
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    pfttt i have been to 1 finance 2 qmb and 1 macro lecture this semester and tat's all i'll go... now watch me wam 85
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    UNSW Chem Ball

    chem and ball should not be used in the same sentence
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    Hey...Legend Of Zelda Fans!!

    now i jus cant bear the thought of a fuked up movie tainting the series
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    i reckon i can get HD jus by readin bulmer again
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    transferring eco ---> commerce (new scenrio) =)

    all depends on ur determination m8 shawny and i vowed to xfer into law at the begining of the yr, and atm we're thankful we passed semester 1