Recent content by Ingoesout

  1. I

    Ballet flats on guys?

    Let me be the first to say No.. NO nononono hell NO!
  2. I

    Prisoner To Parents 'Love'.

    Hmm I've thoguht many a time of just up-and-leaving but honestly Id prefer a mutual understanding. Considering the kind of person my dad can be think thats unrealistic? Yes, the said it, No Bf's... um I'm basically Little Miss My-daddy-still-thinks-im-a-virgin. They don't think i KNOW...
  3. I

    Silverchair: Straight Lines

    Did not like. Can't remember it. Nothing distinctive. noise. ew. ..I liked them when they were angsty.
  4. I

    Prisoner To Parents 'Love'.

    *sigh* god i feel like such a whinge. the more i dissobey the more controlling they become, becuase it's always "You CANT be trusted, remember *list* " And I can't move out completely. My dad simply said if I did he'd dissown me. ... :-( And I don't want to be cut off. I do love...
  5. I

    Prisoner To Parents 'Love'.

    Well I'm truly not allowed to do ANYTHING I want. Honestly. My parents list of no no's goes as follows: No drinking No drugs No boyfriends No going anywhere wthout prior permission No sleep overs No driving in cars with certain people No holidays with friends No doing anything you want to do...
  6. I

    Relaxed Hair

    Have tried in salon treatments. And at the moment I have a total phobia of hair dressers. Same thing happened 2 consecutive times at 2 different hair dressers. Me: Ok. This is what I want (blah blah blah) but for the love of god DON'T use thinning scissors. (previously bad experience). But...
  7. I

    The New Commandments

    Pretty much. Damn word should be abolished from the english language. And Lengy NOT being a phone person is a good thing. *Ahem* Thou Shalt Not ring me up, thus disrupting my peace, only to ask "Whatcha Doin'?" then remain on phone totally content with describing their surrounds...
  8. I

    Where Do You Source Your News From?

    Just curious, what's yor preferred Newspaper/TV News (commercial or pay TV)/Website/other medium ?
  9. I

    Wall Of Fame Thread

    Yeah ok, What are your beauty loves? Joico Shampoo + Conditioner - When my hair is being a bitch there is always some shampoo in the range that (usually) fixes it, they smell good, and don't leave a buildup. Rimmel Bronzing Powder - Is cheap, is good. St Ives Body Wash - I have hell...
  10. I

    The New Commandments

    Thou Shalt NOT ever sms thine every thought/activity/bowl movement and then get shitty when thee does not answer as she can not give half a fuck. Thou Shalt not buy me soft toys and expect me to swoon... honestly. Thou Shalt not EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER say "I Love You" after only 2...
  11. I

    Why are you still single?

    Because I want it all, And I want it now!! And noone really is willing to give it all And then when some special individual does give it I absolutely FREAK, become claustrophobic and start to resent them. I like the idea of being in a relationship... But In reality I'm just not made for...
  12. I

    Relaxed Hair

    Anyone had their hair "Relaxed" is it any diferent to chemical strightening? Does it wreck your hair? Were you happy with it? Basically I've decided I must get SOMETHING done, hair cuts no longer suffice. My hair is a total shit lately, its curly but for the lat few months its been...
  13. I

    Official 'Wall of Shame' Thread.

    edit: damn, I just realised yo said 'so awsome' to describe it... then i used 'so awsome' to describe it... making me sound ike a parrot but it reall is the best way to describe it. Meh.
  14. I

    Official 'Wall of Shame' Thread.

    Oh man yes!! Bare Escentuals is so awsome!! Did you get the free sample to test the colour??
  15. I

    who has the crappiest voice in the music industry?

    there was this song and it went "i'm a big big girl in a big big world.." from a couple years back. AAAAHHH!!!shittest song AND voice ever!