Recent content by hyphea

  1. hyphea

    Timetable question

    Is it better to have a tutorials and lectures closer together from your experiences?
  2. hyphea

    After HSC uni preparation.

    So having only done 2u maths with no phys would put you at a disadvantage right...
  3. hyphea


    From the link: How are extension courses scaled? For most extension courses the scaled means and standard deviations are determined by the performance of the extension students on the corresponding 2-unit course. Is this determined from candidature of the 2u students that year? Also...
  4. hyphea

    Share your 2013 HSC results here

    is that 55-60 raw mark to 86 examination mark or hsc mark?
  5. hyphea

    HSC Marks all nighter thread

    My heart rate going through the roof, i think i will die before i will see my results :uhoh:
  6. hyphea

    WAM and GPA Guide

    Thanks explains heaps :)
  7. hyphea

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    yep same here
  8. hyphea

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 2

    imagine a phallic peice of fece coming out of your anus for 3 hours?
  9. hyphea

    Maths derp moments

    writing cis theta as cos theta :(
  10. hyphea

    Girl Help

    have them fight for your feelings
  11. hyphea

    is it wrong

    no shit
  12. hyphea

    Are these signs a shy girl likes me?

    the_one_1's disease
  13. hyphea

    Is this girl losing interest in me?

    Just touch her already
  14. hyphea

    Is this girl losing interest in me?

    Just don't write it how he posts it.
  15. hyphea

    Slide Show - The television show not the powerpoint presentation

    ...television these days looks entertaining though :)