Recent content by hotpotflo

  1. H

    AAAH - influences on Darwin?!

    ahoy! i found some stuff on the ol' guy: there were social and political influences. In the 1830s there was a real fear that revolution might spread to Britain from abroad; by 1860 this was no longer the case. And in the second half of the century it was possible for a man to become a...
  2. H

    AAAH - influences on Darwin?!

    TA MUCHLY, guys, this will all help so much!!!! nekkidserpent, the reason why i was having kittens over this is because the second dotpoint is not on the influences OF his theories but rather ON. i only realised that a short while ago. i scrabbled around the net last night and i think we...
  3. H

    AAAH - influences on Darwin?!

    does somebody, ANYBODY, have info for that dotpoint 'analyse info from secondary sources on the historical development of theories of evolution and use available evidence to assess social and political influences on these developments' ???? PLEASE with many cherries on top!
  4. H

    Module A - Transformations

    HEAR HEAR!!! the 'reshaped' bit really threw me. developed - yep, fine. but 'reshaped' - you have to explain how your first viewing/ reading was CHANGED by viewing/ reading the other text. that's pretty complicated. i think some people might have misinterpreted the question.