Recent content by happytreefriend

  1. happytreefriend

    "Oh no, I only got 89! I'm so stupid..."

    chem is the suckiest suject in the world. i got 59 and am over the moon that i got over 50. i should have dropped it, but didnt. i know what ur saying about rubbing it in other peoples faces if u say ur great score is rubbish, but if u want to get into a course that needs a 90 and u get an 89...
  2. happytreefriend

    Cultural Care Au Pair in America

    Has anyone been an Au Pair in America or any other country for that? I am looking at doing it next year when I turn 18 through the Cultural Care Au Pair program. Do you know someone who has done been through this program or are looking at doing it your self? I just want to get an idea of what...
  3. happytreefriend

    Who's Totally Screwed For Chemistry

    i am totally screwed for chemistry, but thats nothing new. i only got 10 units so i am gunna do bad and have it count. oh horray horray horray. but i am beyond caring about chemistry. Thursday is my last one (Society and Culture). 4pm thursday i am outa there!
  4. happytreefriend

    People who dropped from 2 unit at the end of year 11 and did the general exam :D

    me and about a dozen others (almost even mix of guys and girls, few more gilrs tho) dropped from 2unit to general since the yr eleven 1/2yearly's and for some one who went from getting 26% in 2unit to 75%, then 88% in trials in gen, i can safely say this has been the best move i've made since...
  5. happytreefriend

    Subjects that you regret doing

    i chose Distance Ed Visual art in my prelim year and soooo shoulda done health which was on the same line, but i am not too hot on PE so i didnt pick it but now i wish i had cos it would be so much more usefull, seeing as i dropped DE Art at the start of the HSC after i went insane trying to do...
  6. happytreefriend

    Who's picking fights with their parents?

    Yeah, I totally agree, I have been sooo narky to my parents and sibling, and unusually no one fights back because I think my mum told my dad and my brother that I was stressed with exams and not to provoke or challenge me. It's bad cos I see that I really am being a total bitch, but it's also...
  7. happytreefriend

    Who's your favourite Python?

    hehe me too. we got the box set on the weekend and in his day he was so cute. My vote goes to Palin. we watch Life of Brian every christmas eve, ceremoniously, without fail. But i also love the French taunter in The Holy Grail. "Sons of a silly person"... "I dont wanna talk to you no more!"...
  8. happytreefriend

    talks then doesn't

    i have the same kinda thing where my bestfreinds ex is also a good guy friend of mine and cos i dont see my bestfreind as much now that shes moved, its become kinda weird between him and me. i kinda get the feeling that whenever i go to talk to him the rest of the room (if we're at school)...
  9. happytreefriend

    Wedding Song.

    for that first dance it would have to be Damien Rice- Blowers Daughter. "And so it is.......i cant take my eyes off of you"