Recent content by happinin

  1. H

    3rd year uni student bored and looking for crazy party friends :)

    Lol fair call. Well where are u from and how old?
  2. H

    What are people at UOW like?

    to be honest? snobs. social scene in wollongong is shit. people are way too anti social here. the only real thing to do is hit the clubs and get pissed half the week. picture a small town, thats overpopulated, shitty living costs, very few jobs, lots of junkies/assholes and a long dole...
  3. H

    3rd year uni student bored and looking for crazy party friends :)

    Okay, heres the deal. I'm a guy, I've been at uni a while now and the everyday drill for me has pretty much been: - go to lectures, go home go to labs, go home, go to tutorials, go home. - most friends i have made have always been outside uni. i havent really made close friends that i see...
  4. H

    Does anyone live on campus at Wollongong?

    it's shit. dont do it unless you want to get ripped off around 100-300$ a week being overcharged in rent, and in exchange getting a tiny shoebox apartment with crap internet. You could probably get a much bigger place with the same amount of money which isnt a crampy tight little place, only...
  5. H


    what does GPA stand for ?
  6. H


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  7. H

    An Open Letter

    omfg you faggot! go play boston tea party with your barbie dolls
  8. H

    Making a new board/forum

    its not my website, im just a complete random :) if it was my website id design it way better
  9. H

    Computer Science Semester 1 subjects plz help!

    raiks it looks like your balls havent dropped yet... say something useful or GTFO the forums
  10. H

    Making a new board/forum

    I do see where you are coming from, and i read all of the trollfest forums, only reason i didnt post was because it was nothing but a fucking stupid argument over who gets laid and whos balls have dropped yet. However, i dont see anything wrong with a site privately made for uni students, and...
  11. H

    Looking for roomies

    i do not like the way you think *shakes head*
  12. H

    Att: Math121 Students !!!!

    As we all know this subject is very confusing, and I was hoping to get people together who did this subjects and maybe share some notes as exams are coming up very soon :) cheers
  13. H

    Singles Night

    oh and hi marcus, free grog and we are there !!!!!!
  14. H

    Singles Night

    ROFL !!! I HAD THE FEELING HE WOULD BE MENTIONED AFTER THAT QUOTE !!! amin is my cousin :) but im in computer science lol
  15. H

    Making a new board/forum

    can i ask why there is this massive problem with ? i recently registered and i think its pretty much a good idea. High school students can have their own website, why shouldnt uni students?