Recent content by hannahcheeseman

  1. H

    Is this unfair/cheating

    There is some logic in the system tho. I mean there are so many people who do take mornings off to study. Understandably you didn't but to say that just because your an honest student you shouldn't be given a zero when that is what the rule is then I think thats a bit unreasonable. I dont' know...
  2. H

    NSW to dump UAI! New Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

    ok so I was looking at the conversion thing on the uac page and every single uai is increased as an ATAR rank except 100. even if you get 99 as a UAI it goes up to 99.05 as an ATAR? wtf?? how can every mark bar the top be scaled up??
  3. H

    French Conversation?

    hey, yea i know of a conversation group at my local library, on the northern beaches? but im sure if you investigated most libraries would have something similar, or perhaps a community center
  4. H

    No motivation for Artwork

    i was feeling the same with my work about 2 weeks ago now. so i sat down with it, looked at my plans and decided it wasn't going to work and get me the marks by itself. now im doing all this other stuff and I might not even hand in my original stuff. im so excited about my work now cause its...
  5. H

    B Arts in Development Studies & Cultural Change...

    hey, I'm in year 12 now and I want to go into aid work/opening my own charity etc. I've been looking around and this does seem like the course for me but can I get some more info about it from people who are doing the course atm? cause im not sure about it and whether its right for me. Thnks
  6. H

    What would you do in this situation?

    i dont know what sort of system you guys have set up but basically for us at our school yr 12 art students are like saints no one touches anything we have a label on. But if that was happening to me i would go and see my yr co or the yr 11 yr co cause then they can decide on what to do. also...
  7. H

    seriously considering scrapping my major work and starting over

    i think that sounds fantastic! is it possible for you not to scrap it but simply turn a corner (as my art teacher would say) with it? You should identify what you aren't happy with in your BOW specifically and then firstly see if you can fix it still using your old idea. Because at this stage of...
  8. H

    Advice for non-Frenchperson doing French?!?!

    yeah we have a girl in our class who is beating the native speaker just because she works hard at it. Its a tough subject but if you enjoy it then it a fantastic one to do, and it does scale well :)
  9. H

    books being made for BOW

    G'day just wondering if anyone knows a good place that can make books for HSC Body of Works in Sydney? I'm making a mix-and-match book and have been looking for printing places but I can't seem to find any half decent ones. If anyone has any recommendations they would be much appreciated...
  10. H

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: Future Plans: What UAI/course/job are you aiming for? Global development and cultural change studies and maquarie. does anyone else know of a course that works with like aid work etc?? thanks
  11. H

    School Musical

    hey, yea actually our school just finished our production of Oliver haha our rehersal times are pretty similar, two lunch times a week in term 4 and then 2 arvos a week in term 1 with performances end of term 1 and those extra sunday rehersals leading up to the show. I was only back stage so...
  12. H

    How much work is every doing?

    aren't you in yr 11???? why r u doing so much work??
  13. H

    english not counting in final uai...

    Hey, I heard a rumour that even if you have 12 units and english is your worst subject in the HSC it will still count for your UAI because its a compulsory subject... does anyone know if thats true?? Thanks
  14. H

    Half Yearly stuff up

    its 20% of your assessment mark but only 10% of your actual HSC, use this as a learning curve and re-learn everything that you got wrong. In a way its a good thing. it means that you wont be complacent for the next assessment. if you got like 95% you wouldn't study as hard. Good luck.
  15. H

    Half Yearly

    yea we did ours last week, got it back not too bad got 75% which was 3/11.. what was everyones exams on?