Recent content by gigglepot_jess

  1. G

    teaching at ND Syd

    um...i go there and i am in my 2nd year of teaching. Id like to know your 'source' of not being a real university. The teaching course at Notre Dame is fantastic, i tell everyone that wants to do teaching that it is the best course. because the uni is small you really get the one on one...
  2. G

    Question 3 |4 | 5

    i rekon the question was 2 broad. there was too much 2 cover. i did bout 4 pages and that is heaps 4 me when my average is 2! lol i talked about the journey changing your perspectives and changing u and the choices u make. i crapped on tho. put in as many quotes as i could remeber!!
  3. G

    What are you currently Reading?

    Im reading Butterflies by Susanne Grevey and have just finished the Thorn Birds by Collen McCollugh(sorry...spelling i know)also before that i read the power of one for the 4th time. its just such a great story, really uplifting when your down in the dumps. Also to anyone who is feeling like...
  4. G

    HSC exam timetable- the finalised

    looking at everyone elses timetable makes mine look really good, there are 2 things i am pissed about tho. my 18th birthday is on the 1st of November and Food Tech and Business Studies are on the same day(9th Nov). How crap is that!! my timetable is: 17/10-English 1 20/10-English 2...
  5. G


    we are doing communication too. we dissected a calfs eye the other day and one of the guys in our class put some of the eye in his mouth. all us chicks were fine until he did that, after that we all had to stand ouside. To top it all off they all started egging each other on to have a go. Yuk!!
  6. G

    King Richard III

    Just a quick post has anybody had to study richard 3? if so, does anybody know the meaning of when in act 1 scene 2, king henrys wounds open up? i have a feeling its symbolic of something but what? thanks heaps!!
  7. G

    2005 HSC Exam Timetable - what do u think?

    i have the same thing, business and food tech are my last day. do u know the suckest thing? i turn 18 the 1st of novenmber...smack bang in the middle of exams AARRRRGGGHHH. very annoyed other than that i have about 3-4 days inbetween each of my exams but a week and a half in between bio...